Camper1 Gender * Please choose Female Male Non-binary Other (please specify) Prefer not to say
If other, please specify
Camper1 Current School Grade * 12 11 10 9 8 7
Camper1 Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander decent? * Yes No
Camper1 Shirt size * XS S M L XL XXL XXXL
Camper2 Gender * Please choose Female Male Non-binary Other (please specify) Prefer not to say
If other, please specify
Camper2 Current School Grade * 12 11 10 9 8 7
Camper2 Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander decent? * Yes No
Camper2 Shirt size * XS S M L XL XXL XXXL N/A
Camper3 Gender * Please choose Female Male Non-binary Other (please specify) Prefer not to say
If other, please specify
Camper3 Current School Grade * 7 8 9 10 11 12
Camper3 Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander decent? * Yes No
Camper3 Shirt size * XS S M L XL XXL XXXL N/A
Camper4 Gender * Please choose Female Male Non-binary Other (please specify) Prefer not to say
If other, please specify
Camper4 Current School Grade * 12 11 10 9 8 7
Camper4 Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander decent? * Yes No
Camper4 Shirt size * XS S M L XL XXL XXXL N/A
Full Name of Primary Emergency Contact *
Primary Phone *
Full Name of Secondary Emergency Contact *
Secondary Phone *
Medicare no *
Expiry Date *
Camper 1 number *
Camper 2 number *
Camper 3 number *
Camper 4 number *
Private Health Insurance fund & no
Name & Phone Number of Family GP *
Camper1 Other health conditions *
Camper1 General health and physical ability - Are you presently living with any illness, injury, or disability that may impact your ability to participate in the Adventurous Outdoor Activities that will be facilitated by Young Life Australia as part of this program? If yes, please provide details.
Camper1 Other dietary requirements *
Camper1 What length of hike would you prefer to undertake on camp? * Please select one: 10km 18km 22km
Camper2 Other health conditions *
Camper2 General health and physical ability - Are you presently living with any illness, injury, or disability that may impact your ability to participate in the Adventurous Outdoor Activities that will be facilitated by Young Life Australia as part of this program? If yes, please provide details.
Camper2 Other dietary requirements *
Camper2 What length of hike would you prefer to undertake on camp? * Please select one: 10km 18km 22km
Camper3 Other health conditions *
Camper3 General health and physical ability - Are you presently living with any illness, injury, or disability that may impact your ability to participate in the Adventurous Outdoor Activities that will be facilitated by Young Life Australia as part of this program? If yes, please provide details.
Camper3 Other dietary requirements *
Camper3 What length of hike would you prefer to undertake on camp? * Please select one: 10km 18km 22km
Camper4 Other health conditions *
Camper4 General health and physical ability - Are you presently living with any illness, injury, or disability that may impact your ability to participate in the Adventurous Outdoor Activities that will be facilitated by Young Life Australia as part of this program? If yes, please provide details.
Camper4 Other dietary requirements *
Camper4 What length of hike would you prefer to undertake on camp? * Please select one: 10km 18km 22km