
Partner with Young Life Canberra

Young Life Canberra gets to be generous to kids in our community because donors are generous toward us.

Young Life Canberra believes that prioritising people over program mirrors the heart of Jesus. We know that when love is both demonstrated and declared, it creates the opportunity for young people to encounter the goodness of God.

The running costs of local areas, such as Canberra, are minimised through the support of a national head office that manage payroll, insurance, marketing, comms, etc. This allows the majority of local donor dollars to go directly towards running local programs and blessing local young people.

Young Life Canberra is struggling financially.
We are in need of new regular donors.

Would you consider becoming a financial partner of Young Life Canberra?


Have a question about how to join in Young Life activities? Just want to know more about us? Email here!