
Welcome to Young Life in the Barossa Valley

Everyone deserves to belong somewhere. We believe that somewhere is here!


Breakfast Club

During school term, Young Life volunteers regularly attend each of our local high schools for Breakfast and a chat. 

Faith Senior College : Thursday morning by room 23

Nuriootpa High School: Friday morning by the open space


WYLDLife is on every second Tuesday during the school term.
Open to: years 5-7.

Location: Tanunda

Bookings essential: annekawilksch@younglife.org.au

Lunch Time Club

Lunchtime Club at Faith Senior Campus every Thursday in the Retreat Space


For High schoolers at Barossa Bowland every alternate week on a Tuesday.
Please contact Sophie: annekawilksch@younglife.org.au

Our heart is to create a vibrant community that supports you in discovering and growing your faith, all while having a blast! 

At Young Life Barossa Valley, we believe that faith and fun go hand-in-hand. Our programs and activities provide a safe space to ask questions and strengthen your relationship with God in a supportive environment, being surrounded by like-minded friends, who are just as eager to grow and have a great time.


We look forward to seeing you soon!

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