Every week during the school term Young Life Canberra runs free pancake Breakfast programs at public schools in the ACT. In these spaces, Young Life partners with local schools to care for the well-being of local kids.
If you want to know more about how to volunteer at these programs, or perhaps you would like to see us at your local high school, why not email YL CBR at
Every week during the school term Young Life Canberra runs free after-school Drop-in program. If you are an ACT high school student keen to be part of a safe, welcoming and inclusive community where fun is number one, why not join the Young Life Canberra staff and volunteers at our weekly Drop-in!?
If you want to know more about this program, or if you are a parent looking to sign our online consent form, follow the link below.
Every week during the school term Young Life Canberra runs a free small group that we call campaigners. Campaigners is a space for young people and their Young Life leaders to explore the Bible together.
If you are interested in joining us, or if you want to know more, slide into or DM’s on insta – link to our instagram can be found at the bottom of this page.
Young Life Canberra believes that prioritising people over program mirrors the heart of Jesus. We know that when love is both demonstrated and declared, it creates the opportunity for young people to encounter the goodness of God.
Through our unique blend of mentorship, community-building, and exciting activities, we provide a safe space for young people to explore the Bible, build meaningful relationships, and find hope and purpose in their lives.
More Info
Mike Peereboom, Area Director
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