Visit Young Life in the Philippines
February 27, 2020
Would you be interested in a visit to Young Life in the Philippines on a short mission trip to serve in the background, lend a hand and see Young Life close up in a different setting?
Young Life has a presence in over 70 countries worldwide and the mission in Australia has particularly close friendship ties with the Philippines.
Fudge Jordan of Young Life Australia is seeking out a small group of committed Christians to join him in Cebu, the Philippines, this July.

“They will be running a five day College Camp (our University here) and I’ve offered to bring a team to serve as Work Crew. It will be a small select team of half a dozen because I know it will take the right type of person to serve.”
“Camp starts on July 6 so we’ll have a day and half to help prepare and setup camp,” says Fudge.
“Once camp concludes on the Friday we’ll have (and this is a work in progress) some extra days to see some local Young Life ministry in action.”
“This will hopefully include seeing a local club in action which is a sight to be seen. Imagine 250 kids packed into a small room, singing for an hour with sweat dripping off the ceiling. That was my last experience of a Filipino Club night and it brought joy to my heart,” says Fudge.
The Philippines isn’t the safest of countries and the local Young Life team are fully aware of this and are highly protective according to Fudge. Protective of the young people in their care and of any guests that visit.
“So once on ground we follow their rules, guidelines and recommendations,” explains Fudge.
“It will be a challenging, tough week but I know it’ll be a huge blessing to them. But here’s the kicker…’ll be life changing for those that serve. For I know God works in all things, uses all opportunities to draw us to Him.
“Seeing and experiencing Young Life ministry in another culture will rock your world, teach you to appreciate what you have more and will enrich your own life.”

What you can expect:
- 1 star accomodation
- No showers
- No flushing toilets, only a hole + bucket of water
- Wet Season – so hot + rainy
- Mosquitoes
- Lots of rice + very basic food
- A week of cleaning, scrubbing, sweeping and whatever jobs need doing
- All the leaders plus most of the campers speak english well
- The warmest and most friendly people
- For God to move and Jesus be glorified
What I’m looking for in a team member:
- Loves Jesus
- Heart to serve and a willingness to do whatever
- Flexible and non fussy
- Works hard with a smile
- A sense of fun
Travel Dates: July 3 – 17, 2020 (school holidays for all but Victoria and Queensland where school returns on the 13th)
Approx Cost: $2500-$3000 (depending on flights)
How to apply: If this has sparked something in you, or you know a volunteer who may be interested please apply using this contact form. As the team will be small Fudge will be selecting the most suitable candidates.