Your gift brings light and community into the life of teens
Dear Friends,
Will you help Young Life Australia reach more teens with a life-changing message of hope?
The end of the financial year is fast approaching and I’m writing to ask if you will consider making a donation toward Young Life’s youth programs.
Your gift really will make a difference!
In the past year, Young Life Australia has played a part in more than 3000 young lives through our programs, camps and chaplaincy work. Our uniquely local and relational programs are helping to impact the life and culture of close to 60 school communities across Australia… and we’d like to do more.
I’m sure you agree, making a difference in the life of just one teenager who is struggling to believe in their own self-worth is incredibly worthwhile.
But in reality, every time a teenager turns from despair to a new sense of hope, ripples occur in every direction. Classmates notice the difference. Teachers, parents and siblings watch in amazement.
Everyone can see the change and are filled with hope because the young person they know and love, has found a new sense of purpose.
Ebony’s* story is one such example. Ebony’s early years were spent in foster care due to the turmoil in her mother’s life. Today she lives with her grandmother and attends a school where Young Life is active. Recently she began attending Young Life Club. It was the change in a close friend that attracted her interest. Why had he changed? What was behind it?
Her skepticism was high but Young Life Club wasn’t threatening or weird. Over time she became a regular and Young Life gave her a place to think through her early experiences which were troubling. She learned about God’s love for her which has changed the way she sees her own value as a person and her life at school and home. Young Life allowed Ebony to grow in assurance, simply by offering friendship, consistency and words of hope.
This is the real gift – and there are many stories like this arising through Young Life’s work in your area as well.
I believe, there are countless young people like Ebony searching for answers and acceptance. With your help, Young Life will continue to offer a sound and secure base upon which young people can grow and develop socially, emotionally and spiritually.
Please, will you make a donation by downloading our Giving Form and returning it to Young Life Australia, PO Box 240, West Ryde NSW 1685? If you are a regular donor, it is possible to increase your regular gift or to make a one-off additional tax-deductible gift. Our online giving page can be found at
We are so thankful for your involvement in the work of Young Life.
Yours faithfully,
Glyn Henman
CEO | Young Life Australia
- Ebony’s name and some details have been changed for privacy reasons
Send Young Life a note and support our local youth teams
During the course of a year, Young Life groups all over Australia run youth clubs and other opportunities for teenagers to get together.
Right now, Young Life is asking friends in the community to get behind Young Life’s clubs and activities for youth in local towns and suburbs as regular donors.

Teens join in Young Life’s Colour Fight.
The impact of meeting every week, mixing with students from different schools across the age range is amazing.
Without the pressure of school, teenagers can be themselves and for volunteer adults who lead the program, they get to see the beautiful, generous side of these teens.
“The youth who come to our club really care for one another. They are like a family and keep inviting their friends to come. They want others to be part of it too,” says Young Life team leader Holly Lim.
Holly runs the Young Life Club in Ermington NSW with the help of some talented, dedicated volunteers.
“Every team member is involved in a local church and this is their way of giving back into the life of their local community,” says Holly.
Recently, the team held a Colour Run in Halvorsen Park attracting 50 young people from the local area. The games and Colour Fight drew a crowd spectators who were out and about enjoying the evening.

Games and challenges drew 50 teens to Young Life’s Colour Fight in Halvorsen Park.
“We met some local families and kids were able to spontaneously join in to something fun happening in their neighbourhood,” says Holly. “We’d love to be able to offer more activities like this that build into the life of the local area.”
Young Life Australia is a non-denominational Christian outreach and registered charity focused on supporting young people during their High School years. It is Australian based and has been working with youth since 1972.
It is active in 13 regions across the southern and eastern states of Australia. Find Young Life near you by visiting
Young Life Australia is dependent on the generous support of monthly donors to provide activities and opportunities for youth as well as training for volunteers. It is currently seeking new donors.
Support Young Life! Give a monthly or one-off donation towards local activities that support teens!
“Regular donations are urgently needed to support Young Life club throughout the school year as we don’t attract or seek government funding,” says Young Life Australia CEO Glyn Henman. “It’s very much a community endeavour relying on people who are really concerned for teenagers and the challenges they face.”
“Being present and a part of their world matters. Helping to build the confidence and resilience of Australia young people matters. It’s so rewarding and we are so grateful to those who give and allow us to be part of this work with teens,” says Glyn.
Young Life Australia’s vision is to build confidence, values and resilience in Australia’s young people through significant relationships with adults who model the love of Jesus Christ. Learn more at