Young Life Club opens in Hawker
It’s happening. Our first Belconnen Club! And if you are in the Hawker-Belconnen area and in high school or college, you are invited…
You can expect games, challenges, themes, food and a chance to relax and chat. It’s fun, a bit crazy and a really good place to hang out with friends outside of school.
The team who are leading Club are volunteers and are known to students at Belconnen High for running the pancake breakfast.
Young Life Australia runs camps as well as Clubs, including a national Summer Camp held in Jindabyne every January.
“So come along, don’t miss out. We meet this week on Thursday, 12th April, and every second-week starting next term in weeks 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10,” says Alex.
What: Young Life Belconnen, a youth group for all high-school and college-age young people
When: Thursday, April 12 at 3.36pm and every second week from the beginning of Term Two.
Where: Corner of Beetaloo St and Belconnen Way (Christ Church Hawker)
For more information about Young Life Canberra, email Alex Lee or call 0427 208 778.
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @Younglifecanberra
View our flyer
Young Life Staff gather
Young Life Australia’s annual staff gathering took place this week.
The team flew in from around Australia to plan, train and share their experiences working with young people.
“Thanks to everyone who has taken part, particularly those who have shared their knowledge and experience,” says Glyn Henman, Young Life Australia’s CEO.